
Massachusetts Association Of Contributory Retirement Systems. Inc.

The Massachusetts Association of Contributory Retirement Systems is incorporated as an independent non-profit organization designed to promote the rights and benefits of the membership, present or future, for public retirement systems; and to uphold the public interest in the proper administration of contributory retirement systems pursuant to Mass. Gen. Law Ch. 32.


The purposes of the Massachusetts Association of Contributory Retirement Systems are:

a. To provide an appropriate state organization representing the members of State, County, District and Municipal public retirement systems in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

b. To encourage statewide review of pension and retirement programs and legislation in the best interests of active members of public retirement systems and the general public.

c. To promote cooperation among and with other groups interested in public employee retirement.

d. To analyze all phases of retirement, investment of assets, and related areas in the interest of the total membership and the general public; to gather data and information pertaining thereto; to enlighten, strengthen, promote, safeguard - and strive to give motion, guidance and counsel in the interest of all members.

e. To promote security through an adequate retirement system which will enable each retiree to retain his purchasing power and dignity during his retirement years.

f. To promote retirement programs which will make employment more attractive to members with proven ability and capacity, improve employee morale, stimulate loyalty and goodwill, and stabilize employment conditions by reducing turnover.

g. To increase the scope and efficiency of services to both active members and annuitants.

h. To improve administrative organization, policies arid practices of public retirement systems.


Section 1. General Membership

Any retirement system organized pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts General Law C. 32 and all members thereof are general members.

Section 2. Delegates and Voting

Only delegates, as hereinafter provided, shall be entitled to vote in any proceedings or meetings of the Association. Each retirement board member shall be certified as a delegate, provided that the system’s dues have been paid in accordance with schedules adopted by the Executive Board and provided that each board member has completed the registration procedure as established by Article V, Section 3.

Section 3. Associate Members.

a. Public employee organizations, all of whose members belong to a Massachusetts public retirement system, shall be eligible for associate membership.

b. Actuarial, accounting, investment, and law firms and other organizations or individuals having an interest in retirement activities shall be eligible for associate membership.

Section 4. Honorary Members.

Any person who has served as a board or staff member for a period greater than five years may be designated as an “honorary member” by the Executive Board.

Section 5. Dues.

a. The Association shall be financed by annual dues and fees collected. The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1 through December 31.

b. Annual dues for each retirement system shall be paid in accordance with schedules adopted by the Executive Board and approved by the delegates.

c. Associate members’ dues shall be in accordance with schedules adopted by the Executive Board and approved by the delegates.

Section 6. Approval of Membership Requests.

Requests for associate membership must be approved by the Executive Board or an officer so designated.


Section 1. Elected Officers

a. The elected officers of the Association shall be retirement board members.

b. The elected officers shall be:

President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

c. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the delegates at the Association’s annual meeting. All officers shall serve without salary or honorarium, with the exception of the Secretary and Treasurer, who shall receive an amount fixed by the Executive Board.

d. Terms of Office.

The President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected for a two year term and may be re-elected. The election for President and Vice-President shall be conducted at the annual meeting in every odd numbered year. The election for Secretary and Treasurer shall be conducted at the annual meeting in every even numbered year.

e. Duties

1. President

The President shall preside at all proceedings or meetings of the Association and shall represent the Association as he/she deems appropriate or as may be authorized and/or directed by the Executive Board. In the case of an emergency, the President may act on behalf of the Association, provided that his/her action(s) shall thereafter be subject to ratification by the Executive Board.

The President shall service as Chairperson of the Executive Board and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

The President shall appoint the members of all standing and special committees in accordance with the provisions of Article IV-COMMITEES.

2. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall fulfill all of the duties of the President of the Association during the absence of the President.

3. Secretary

The Secretary shall have the responsibility of maintaining, all records of the Association including minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Association and the Executive Board.

The Secretary shall publish and distribute to each delegate at the annual meeting an annual report as required by Article V, Section 1(c).

The Secretary shall notify each retirement system of any regular or special meetings of the Association. In the case of the annual meeting and the fall conference, the Secretary shall provide for the certification and registration of delegates as required by Article V, Section 3. In the case of an Executive Board meeting, the Secretary shall provide seven day notice to all Executive Board members. Emergency meetings of the Executive Board do not require seven day notice.

The Secretary shall file all reports which may be required by the state or federal government, except those financial reports which shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer.

The Secretary shall be charged with other duties and responsibilities as may be required by the Executive Board.

4. Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall act as custodian of all funds of the Association and shall be charged with the responsibility of collecting annual dues and conference registration fees. Disbursement of funds shall be made by the Treasurer for the necessary expenses of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the annual budget or as may be provided by the Executive Board.

The Treasurer shall make a written quarterly financial report to the Executive Board and publish an annual financial statement for all delegates at the annual meeting.

The Treasurer shall recommend an annual budget to the Executive Board no later than Feburary 1 of the preceding fiscal year.

The Treasurer shall file all reports of a financial nature as may be required by the state or federal government.

The Treasurer shall be charged with other duties and responsibilities as may be required by the Executive Board.

f. Vacancies

In the event of the death, disability, resignation or removal, of any elected officer, the unexpired term shall be filled by a vote of the Executive Board. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall serve as President until the next annual meeting at which time a special election shall be conducted to fill the unexpired term, if any.

Section 2. Executive Board.

a. The Executive Board shall be composed of the President. Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Past Presidents, the Sergeant at Arms, and twelve retirement system board members elected at large by the delegates of the Association at its annual meeting. Membership on the Executive Board shall cease when a board member’s affiliation as a board member with a general Association member is terminated.

b. Terms of Office.

Members of the Executive Board who are elected at-large shall be elected for a three year term.

c. Duties.

The Executive Board, which shall meet no less than six times annually and which shall conduct an organizational meeting within 30 days following the annual meeting, shall be responsible for the administration and supervision of the activities of the Association and shall make decisions on all matters that do not require the vote of the membership of the Association.

d. Vacancies.

In the event of the death, disability, resignation or removal or any -member of the Executive Board, the unexpired term shall be filled by a vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board.

Section 3. Sergeant at Arms.

The President shall annually appoint a Sergeant at Arms who shall be a general Association member.

Section 4. Removal from Office.

Any elected officer or Executive Board member may be removed from office by the Executive Board for personal or professional conduct which could serve to discredit the purposes for which the Association is established, provided

a. that the member is notified by certified mail of the Executive Board’s intention to consider such an action along with a summary of the basis for such action no less than 10 days prior to the Executive Board meeting;

b. that the member is given an opportunity to address the Executive Board prior to its consideration of the action; and

c. that two-thirds of the Executive Board are present and voting in the affirmative. Also, any Officer or Executive Board member who fails to attend three consecutive Board meetings without just cause may be removed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 1. Standing and Special Committees.

In order to fulfill the purposes of the Association, the following standing committees are hereby established:

    -    Finance

    -    Legal Affairs

    -    Education

    -    Legislative

    -    Membership

    -    Investments

    -    Hospitality

    -    Pre-Retirement Planning

The Executive Board may establish such special committees as it deems desirable to carry out the administration of the Association.

Section 2. Membership; Committee Meetings

The President shall appoint a chairperson, and no less than six additional persons, who shall be members of the Association, to each standing committee. The Secretary shall immediately inform each committee member of his/her appointment and the name of the Chairperson of the committee to which he/she has been appointed.

The Chairperson of each committee shall be responsible for convening the committee as necessary. Each committee member shall be given seven day notice of the date, time and location of each meeting.

Section 3. Terms.

Appointments to such committees shall be for one year terms, however, all members are eligible for reappointment.

Section 4. Ex-Officio Members.

The President and Vice-President shall be Ex-Officio members of all committees; the Secretary shall be an Ex-Officio member of the Membership Committee; and the Treasurer shall be an Ex-Officio member of the Finance Committee.

Section 5. Annual Reports.

Each standing committee shall submit a written annual report to the Secretary no later than 30 days prior to the opening of the annual meeting. The report shall summarize the work conducted by the committee over the prior year and highlight efforts to achieve major Association initiatives.


Section 1. Annual Meeting.

a. Time and Place.

The annual meeting of the Association shall be held between April 1 and June 30 of each year at a time and place designated by the President in consultation with the Executive Board. In so far as is practicable, such meeting shall be scheduled so as not to conflict with other meetings or conferences which are of specific interest to members of the Association.

b. Election.

The President shall appoint an Election Committee at the first session of the annual meeting. The committee, which shall consist of five delegates from five separate retirement systems, none of whom may be candidates, will conduct the election of Officers and Executive Board members and certify the election results to the delegates.

c. Annual Report.

At the opening of the annual meeting, the Secretary shall distribute to each delegate an annual report which includes the annual report of the President and each standing committee, the annual financial statements, reports of any special committees, and any additional information as is deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.

Section 2. Fall Conference.

The fall conference of the Association shall be held between October 1 and November 30 of each year at a time and place designated by the President in consultation with the Executive Board. In so far as is practicable, such conference shall be scheduled so as not to conflict with other meetings or conferences which are of specific interest to members of this Association.

a. Notice.

The Secretary shall notify each retirement system of the date and location of the annual meeting and the fall conference no later than 90 days prior to the opening of such meeting or conference.

Section 3. Notice: Certification of Delegates, Registration Fee for the Annual Meeting and Fall Conference.

In addition to the date and location, said notice shall include procedures for the certification of delegates, the filing of resolutions, and the payment of registration fees.

Notice to associate and honorary members may be at a time and in such form as the Secretary deems appropriate.

b.    Certification of Delegates.

Certification of delegates shall be filed by each retirement system with the Secretary no later than 15 days prior to the annual meeting and the fall conference. In conjunction with the notice required above, the Secretary shall submit to each retirement system a form on which the retirement board shall certify the names of the delegates and such other information as the Secretary may deem necessary.

c.  Registration.

The Secretary shall furnish every retirement system, associate member and honorary member sufficient individual registration cards to be presented, together with the required registration fee, to the Treasurer during the registration period. No delegate shall be entitled to vote on any business of the annual meeting or fall conference without filing the required registration card and payment of the required registration fee.

d.    Registration Fee.

Registration fees for the annual meeting and the fall conference shall be in accordance with schedules adopted by the Executive Board.

Section 4. Resolutions.

The President shall appoint a Resolutions Committee at the first session of the annual meeting and fall conference. The Committee, which shall consist of fifteen delegates of which not more than six may be members of the Executive Board, will meet to consider such resolutions as have been submitted for consideration by the Association.

Any resolution admitted by a majority of the delegates shall be considered by the delegates of the Association. A resolution may also be considered by the delegates if it has been filed with the Secretary and signed by at least three delegates at least ten days prior to the opening of the annual meeting or fall conference.

The Resolutions Committee shall recommend passage of any resolution which it deems consistent with the purpose of the Association prior to 12:00 noon on the second day of the annual meeting or fall conference.

Any resolution not considered by the delegates prior to the adjournment shall be automatically referred to the Executive Board for its consideration

Section 5. Additional Meetings

Additional meeting of the membership shall be held as ordered by the President or a majority of the members of the Executive Board.

Section 6. Quorums.

a. Association Meetings.

Fifty percent plus one of those registered delegates at any Association Meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

b. Executive Board.

A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting.

c. Committees

Those present at any standing or special committee meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting.


The Executive Board may contract for such professional services as it deems necessary to carry our the purposes of the Association. Such services may include, but are not limited to actuarial, investment, legal, administrative, and clerical services.


Other matters not provided for in this Constitution shall be governed according to the manner prescribed by the Executive Board. Provided that, in the absence of any provision of this Constitution or any policy prescribed by the Executive Board. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all Association meetings.


Section 1. Amendment Procedure.

This constitution may be amended at the annual meeting or fall conference of the Association by a two-thirds vote of those delegates present, provided that any such proposed amendment shall be signed by a delegate from at least five separate retirement 90 days prior to the annual meeting or fall conference. The Executive Board shall submit the proposed amendment to the delegates, together with its recommendation, no less than 30 days prior to said annual meeting or fall conference.

Section 2. Effective Date.

Such amendment shall become effective immediately upon its adoption unless otherwise provided for therein.